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In case there is an issue or bug with the website page passwords, here are the answers to the Secret Recipe Escape Room Game:

  1. How many chairs do you need for tonight? 11

  2. How long did this dish take to cook? 16

  3. The first dish took 16 minutes to cook and the second dish took 20 minutes to cook. How many minutes do you have left to finish in 2 hours (120 minutes)? 84

  4. In Step 3, you discovered that you can only fit 4 crab cake patties into the pan at the same time. If you made 12 crab cakes, how many times did you have to repeat this step to cook them all? 3

  5. This recipe serves 6-8 people. If you wanted to double the serving size, how many pounds of beef marrow bones would you need? 10

  6. Before you started cooking, you bought a dozen (12) eggs from the grocery store. Your crab cakes took up 2 eggs. After you cook this dish, how many eggs do you have left? 7

  7. After cooking the last dish, you think about serving them. If there are 11 guests (including yourself) and 6 dishes per guest, how many total dishes did you just cook? 66

  8. If the first seat (#1) was taken by a boy, then who is in seat #10? A boy or girl? boy

  9. What game did everyone play (copy it exactly from above)? Janga

  10. Who wrote you the note? (copy the name exactly as it appears above) Finn


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